
The Safety and Reliability Journal is published by Taylor & Francis. The Journal is indexed on Thomson Reuters and other databases. It is available in print and online.
Safety and Reliability publishes peer reviewed papers from academia and industry on the subject of safety and reliability and related fields.
Safety and Reliability will be of interest to all practitioners and researchers in safety and reliability related fields. More details of the scope, topics covered and online access here.
Members of the Society have online access to the Journal via the Members Area, and will also receive a hard copy by post. Non-members can find details of how to subscribe here.
If you are interested in producing a guest edited journal please contact Jacqueline Ward for more information.
Please contact the SaRS office for more information.
Editorial board
Managing Editor
Dr Jacqueline Ward MBE, CPsychol, CSci, HFSaRS, AFBPsS, The Safety and Reliability Society, Manchester, UK
Editor-in-Chief/Special Issue Editor
Chris Harrison, MPhys, CPhys, FSaRS, RSSB, London, UK
Production Editor
Chris Harrison, MPhys, CPhys, FSaRS, RSSB, London, UK
Chief Safety Editor
Alec Bounds, MA (Cantab), FSaRS, Arcadis, Cumbria, UK
Chief Reliability Editor
Richard Denning CEng, MSc, BEng, FIMechE, FSaRS, Ministry of Defence, Bristol, UK
Associate Editors
Dr Antonio R. Andrade, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Paul Caseley OBE, MSc, CEng, CITP, FSaRS, FIET, FBCS, ACS CP (Safety Critical Systems) Snr., APM, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Fareham, UK
Professor Mikela Chatzimichailidou, University College London, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Dr Savita De Souza, BEng.(Hons.), PhD, FIEAust, CPEng, NER, GHD, Perth, Australia
Steve Denniss, BSc (Hons), CEng, MIET, FIRSE, FSarS, MINCOSE, WSP
Industrial Advisor, University of Kent School of Engineering and Digital Arts, London, UK
Dr Phuc Do, University of Lorraine, France
Dr Miguel Figueres-Esteban, Renfe, Madrid, Spain
Dr Xiaocheng Ge, RSSB, London, UK
Dr Janet Lin, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden
Romualdo Marrazzo, ISPRA, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Rome, Italy
Dr Srinivas Sriramula, BTech, ME, PhD, CEng, MIMechE, FSaRS, University of Aberdeen, UK
Mike Sleath, FSaRS, MRAeS, Self-employed consultant, Romsey, UK
Peter Sheppard CEng, BSc(Hons) FIET, FIRSE, FSaRS WSP, Bristol, UK