Who are our members?
Video Testimonials from our members

Angela Ku
Angela is currently Chair of the London Branch and active on a number of other committees
Angela talks in more detail about her career and roles with SaRS

Richard Derrett Smith

Louise Whiting
“…passionate about education which defines her contribution to SaRS as Fellow”
Louise Whiting has joined SaRS as a Fellow and contributed to the SaRS webinar programme…

John Stringer
John is an active member of the London Branch Committee
See what John has to say about SaRS

Alexander Patton
“I joined the SaRS London Branch in 2019 to help out with events, learn from the others on the committee and develop skills that apply to the safety industry and beyond”…
Alexander talks about his role with SaRS

Emma Taylor
Emma is Past-Chair of SaRS and led the successful Licensed Member application for CEng and IEng registration through SaRS
Emma talks about her role with SaRS

Seyi Weli
Seyi is on the SaRS Council, London Branch committee, CPDSAC, and Engineering Membership Committee
Seyi talks about her career and her experience with SaRS

Tom Haskins
Tom Haskins recently became a SaRS Fellow…
Tom Haskins talks about his career progressions

Isuru Herath PhD, CEng, MSaRS, MIET
“One of the main reasons I joined SaRS was that it brings together Safety and Reliability professionals from different sectors.”
Isuru Herath PhD, CEng, MSaRS, MIET talks about her role in SaRS and the opportunities available.

Richard Denning MSc, BEng, CEng, FIMechE, FSaRS
“I was made to feel welcome – here were people who spoke the same language and had the same issues…”
Richard Denning SaRS President, takes a look at his long term membership of SaRS…

“SaRS changed my life and so it can change yours!”
Dr Mikela Chatzimichailidou MEng MSc FSaRS CEng MIET shares her career highlights and her experience of SaRS…