This Asia-Pacific Webinar will take place at 15:00 Hong Kong time, 17:00 Melbourne/Sydney time and 08:00 UK time.

Note start time change to 17:00 for Sydney/Melbourne due to the clocks changing in Australia.

Secure maintenance operations, capable of integration with legacy and new build rail vehicles, are needed to protect the integrity and reliability of rail passenger services. This presentation will highlight potentially hazardous situations that might happen during software update and demonstrate how ‘Safety Related Application Control’ requirements can be met.

This project is supported by the UK’s Connected Places Catapult and being carried out by a team led by RazorSecure and in collaboration with the University of Birmingham’s BCRRE (Birmingham Centre for Railway Research & Education). It is funded under a UK innovation grant and includes open consultation with a broad range of manufacturers, operators, OEMs and asset owners.

To help us prepare for the webinar we would really appreciate you spending a few minutes filling in a pre-webinar questionnaire about digital maintenance – see the link below.  The results will be aggregated anonymously and used to inform the scope of the presentation. The overall project results will be made publicly available on the project website at the end of the project (Q4 2022).

To register for the webinar please click here

To complete the questionnaire please click here. The questionnaire should be completed by the end of the day on Sunday 1st May to give time for the results to be processed

The webinar will be presented by:

Dr Emma Taylor CEng  FIMechE FSaRS. Emma Taylor is Head of Digital Safety at RazorSecure, which provides cyber security solutions for rail. She is a Chartered Engineer with 30 years’ industry experience across different highly regulated sectors. A member of the CENELEC rail cyber security group, a Past-Chair of the Safety and Reliability Society, and a visiting professor at Cranfield University, Emma is also a member of the UK’s Department for Transport’s Science Advisory Council.


Wednesday, 4th May 2022 at 8:00am


Wednesday, 4th May 2022 at 9:30am

