London Branch
Upcoming Events
19th March 2025, London and online
London Branch – Early Career Professionals Presentation Event 2025 – now open for registration
Past Events
13th November 2024, Online webinar and Crossrail International's offices in London
London Branch: Application of Engineering Safety Management on a Major Project – Lessons Learnt – Part 3: Worked Example
Branch information
What we do
Each year the branch organises a number of evening lectures, most of which are also broadcast as live webinars. As with all SaRS branches, the branch covers a wide range of industries and organisations which include marine classification, railway design, assurance and operators. Lectures address topics which are of relevance to Safety and Reliability Professionals and are an excellent method of keeping informed of current developments; additionally the meetings are an ideal networking opportunity.
SaRS London Branch covers London and surrounding area with Central London at its heart and providing the location of many of the events organised by the branch. In addition, the branch promotes a number of events organised by related organisations in the London area which might be of interest to members of the SaRS London Branch community.
The branch events calendar year runs from September to June each year.
Upcoming Events
Details of current events will appear in the sidebar.
Keep in Touch with the London Branch
Subscribe to our Mailing Distribution List
If you wish to be included in the London Branch distribution list please subscribe using the signup form below.
Join our LinkedIn Group
Please also feel free to join the LinkedIn group or follow our LinkedIn page, no membership of SaRS is necessary.
Contact Details
For further information on the London Branch (including events), please contact Ali Patton.