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Standards for Safety and Reliability

The society has representatives on a number of standards committees ensuring that the views of the society are included in the standards making process. These committees include:

DS/1 Dependability

The British Standards Institute committee DS/1 was established to develop and review British Standards in the fields of dependability, physical asset management and closely associated topics to meet identified needs. It also ensures that the interests of UK stakeholders are adequately represented in international standardization activities in this field, through its input into IEC/TC 56, CEN/TC 279 and CEN/TC 319.

Full details of standards being considered are contained in Standardization Activity for Dependability.

Representative Richard Denning

SSM/1/-/2 Asset Management

This is the UK mirror committee to ISO/ PC 251, responsible for developing the ISO 55000, 55001 and 55002 standards. After a somewhat protracted period of editing by the ISO Secretariat, the three Standards have now been issued as FDIS (Final Draft International Standards) versions.  In the meantime SSM/1/-/2 will determine whether BSI PAS 55 should cease to be maintained, once the ISO Standards have been published.

Representative Martin Cottam


HS/1 Occupational Health and Safety Management

As you may be aware, ISO recently agreed to a UK proposal (from HS/1) to develop an ISO OHS management system standard, which will effectively replace OHSAS 18001. David Smith, the Chair of HS/1, was recently appointed chair of the ISO committee developing this standard, creating a potential conflict with his role in HS/1 from which he therefore resigned. Martin Cottam has been appointed by BSI as the new Chair of HS/1, in which capacity he will also act as “head of delegation” for the UK in the development of the new ISO standard. The first meeting of the new ISO Committee (ISO/PC 283) takes place in London w/c 21/10; the development of the new standard is expected to take three years.

Representative Martin Cottam

BS EN ISO 10418 

ISO 10418 is for Offshore production installations – Process safety systems.

Issue 5 of Defence Standard 00-042 Pt 3 (The R&M Case) has now been published on the UK Defence Standardization website. This brings the standard in line with BS EN 62741:2015 and incorporates a new Annex D: Guidance on R&M Case Reports for Software Intensive Systems.


Please click here for Consultation Documents.