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Hollinwood Business Centre
Albert Street
Oldham, Greater Manchester


0161 393 8411

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Join as a Prime Affiliate Member Organisation

Prime Affiliate membership of the Safety and Reliability Society includes the following benefits:

Ten years affiliate membership for the cost of seven years. Ten years affiliate membership would cost £9000.00 at current annual affiliate member rates. However, the Society can offer this to Prime affiliates for £6300.00. Please contact the office if you wish to discuss or pay Prime Affiliate membership

As well as all current Affiliate membership benefits, the Prime Affiliate grade includes a separate listing online and in all our publications, above annual Affiliates.

If you are interested in becoming a Prime Affiliate, please Print an application form or save, complete and e-mail an application form. To join as a Prime Affiliate Member Organisation, please send supporting evidence such as CVs of directors, corporate brochures and other information about your company to the Society’s office. Please also send you company logo for display in the Affiliates Directory and in our Journal. If you wish to discuss Prime Affiliate membership further, please contact our office on 0161 393 8411.

Benefits of Affiliate MembershipPrime Affiliate Organisations enjoy the following benefits which are included in the cost of the subscription:

  • PRIME Entry in a Directory of Affiliates

The Society office maintains a Directory of Affiliates containing details of Affiliate Companies and Organisations able to provide services in the area of safety and reliability. Prime affiliates are listed in alphabetical order at the top of the Affiliate Directory. When the Society receives enquiries from organisations seeking the services of such Companies and Organisations, these details are given out in response.

A directory of affiliates is available in the quarterly Safety and Reliability Society Journal.
  • New Members Welcome Page. All new Affiliates will have a dedicated welcome page printed in our journal with their company logo, contact details and company background / information. This will also be featured as a news item on our new website.
  • As an affiliate company you can get access to our brand new Members Only Area
  • Opportunity to feature in the new quarterly Affiliate Bulletin which also includes jobs, adverts and news from all Affiliate organisations.
  • Entry in a Directory of Affiliates

The Society office maintains a Directory of Affiliates containing details of Affiliate Companies and Organisations able to provide services in the area of safety and reliability. When the Society receives enquiries from organisations seeking the services of such Companies and Organisations, these details are given out in response.

A directory of affiliates is available in the quarterly Safety and Reliability Society Journal
  • Full page Advertisement in the Society’s Journal

The Journal, which is published quarterly, is issued to all members of the Society and other interested organisations. It provides a valuable information resource concerning the Society’s activities and advancements in the field. Copies of the Society’s quarterly Journal and monthly Broadsheet will be sent out on a regular basis to the Affiliate Member’s nominated representative.

  • Exhibition Space at Conferences and Workshops

Each year, the Society holds conferences and/or workshops, which are attended by delegates working in the area of safety and reliability or have an interest in that area. Many of these delegates are from Companies who may be seeking specialist advice. Affiliate Members of the Society are offered free exhibition space (where included) at these events, and are thus able to directly demonstrate their capabilities to these potential clients.

  • Links from the Society’s Website

The Society maintains an up-to-date web site where links can be provided to Affiliate Companies. These links are made by clicking on the relevant Company name in a list of Affiliates provided on a dedicated Affiliates’ web page. A brief description of the services offered by the Affiliate Company may also be included on the Affiliate web page if so required.

  • Discounts on Chargeable Services

These discounts are available for:

  • Additional advertisements in the quarterly Journal of the Safety and Reliability Society.
  • Mailshots to all members and other interested organisations.
  • Delegate attendance at conferences and workshops, in addition to individual member discounts.

Mailshots can be included with other regular mailings from the Society, at a reduced charge, or else can be sent out as single mailshots. The very competitive rates charged by the Society to Affiliates for these mailshots provide a highly cost effective way of accurately targeting a readership guaranteed to have an interest in the field of safety and reliability. Details of the costs of these and similar services, and the discounts offered, are available on application to the Safety and Reliability Society.