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Western Branch

Welcome to the SaRS Western Branch home page

Forthcoming Events

Please check back for details of the 2018.19 branch season

Date Speaker Topic Venue
       BAWA Leisure Centre, 589 Southmead Road, Filton, Bristol BS34 7RG (Room 1)

Branch meetings starting at 1900, refreshments and networking start at 1845.


Language is vital when discussing Safety and Reliability, with much effort being put into ensuring there is a mutual understanding of terms such as Reliability ensuring a common definition ie

reliability, <of an item>

ability to perform as required, without failure, for a given time interval, under given conditions

Note 1 to entry: The time interval duration can be expressed in units appropriate to the item concerned, e.g. calendar time, operating cycles, distance run, etc., and the units should always be clearly stated.

Note 2 to entry: Given conditions include aspects that affect reliability, such as: mode of operation, stress levels, environmental conditions, and maintenance.

Note 3 to entry: Reliability can be quantified using measures defined in Section 192-05, Reliability related concepts: measures.

IEV 192-01-24 see

And then of course defining what is a failure, the time interval and the conditions etc

It is also important how we express our knowledge of the safety and reliability characteristics of a system or the results of an analysis; are we as careful with our language in these discussions or do we leave room for misunderstanding and confusion.

Using a docudrama of the discussions around the decision to launch space shuttle Challenger on 28 January 1986, the speaker will be discussing how the use of language can result in miscommunication

The event is sponsored by Safety Assurance Services –

Who to contact for more information 

For more information about Branch activities contact Secretary, Gareth Furmston

Branch News 

Recent events run by the Branch have included talks on:

-The Importance and Relationship of Support Engineering to Defence Projects, Malcolm French, DE&S

-Thresher Disaster & Quality, Clare Holmes, Babcock Defence Service Technology

-How do you know you are SQEP? Paul Mayo, SQEP Ltd

-Ensuring Scouting is Safe, Andy Dyer, Babcock Defence Service Technology

-Hazard Management: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, Frazer-Nash Consultancy


Since its formation Western Branch has each year held a series of evening lectures, these lectures are normally held on the fourth Tuesday of the month between September and May each year. Lectures address topics which are of relevance to Safety and Reliability Professionals and are an excellent method of keeping informed of current developments; additionally the meetings are an ideal networking opportunity. These events are open to non members and visitors are most welcome.

The branch events calendar year runs from September to May each year. We also aim to include one technical visit per year. BAWA Location Map provides a detailed map showing BAWA and the surrounding area with the ability to select to plan routes. BAWA is a healthcare, sports and leisure club based in Bristol, and is located at 589 Southmead Road, Filton, Bristol, BS34 7RG . Tel: 0117 9768066.

Branch Organisers 

Chairman: R J Denning

Secretary: G Furmston

Treasurer: A Dyer