North West Branch
Welcome to the SaRS North West Branch home page
Please check back for details of the 2018.19 branch season
Date | Speaker | Topic | Venue |
17th January 2019 | Peter Sheppard Technical Director, System Assurance WSP |
Quantitative Risk Assessment in Railways
– “Pick a Number, Any Number!” |
Birchwood Golf Club, Warrington |
These events are open to non members and visitors, who are most welcome. Evening talks will commence at 1800 with networking from 1730.
The branch covers a wide range of industries and organisations which include Nuclear, Oil and Gas, Defence.
Who to contact for more information:
For further information on the North West Branch (including events), please contact the SaRS HQ.
Past Presentations:
Presentation to North West Branch 30th June 2016, Graham Dalzell “Dangerous Decisions, Lessons from Andrew Hopkins’ study of the Macondo Blowout”
Branch Organisers:
Chair: Andy Buchan