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Hollinwood Business Centre
Albert Street
Oldham, Greater Manchester


0161 393 8411

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The Safety and Reliability Society hosts several branches both national and international.

The Society is active throughout the United Kingdom and furthers its aims and objectives through a network of Branches. Whilst run by officials who are members of the Society, Branch meetings are open to all with interests in Safety and Reliability. Branches hold evening lectures on relevant topics and company visits during the months September to May each year providing a forum for discussion and a focus for safety and reliability professionals.

For details of individual branch locations and programmes please select the appropriate branch from the UK Branch network below:

(address and telephone for contacts can be obtained through the office).

North West Branch

Welcome to the SaRS North West Branch home page Please check back for details of the 2018.19 branch season Date Speaker Topic Venue 17th January 2019 Peter Sheppard Technical Director, System Assurance WSP  Quantitative Risk Assessment in Railways – “Pick a Number, Any Number!” Book for this event  Birchwood Golf Club, Warrington These events are […]

New York Branch

Welcome to the Safety and Reliability Society’s New York Branch Aims: To provide a forum for discussion and sharing of ideas related to industry and global best practice with regards to system assurance, safety assurance and reliability engineering across the transit industry. Meeting dates and committee members: To be confirmed.

Australia Branch

Welcome to the SaRS Australia Branch home page Forthcoming Events This is a new Branch so the launch event will be listed here in due course. Who to contact for more information For more information about Branch activities contact: Paul Rogers You can also join the LinkedIn Group, Safety and Reliability Society’s Australia Branch. Branch News […]

New Branches of SaRS planned for UK & Overseas

There are New Branches of SaRS planned for UK & Overseas UK: The Safety & Reliability Society have been contacted with a view to forming Branches in the following parts of the UK; East of England Central Scotland Overseas: Consultation is also underway for the formation of the following Branches in the following countries, around […]

Western Branch

Welcome to the SaRS Western Branch home page Forthcoming Events Please check back for details of the 2018.19 branch season Date Speaker Topic Venue        BAWA Leisure Centre, 589 Southmead Road, Filton, Bristol BS34 7RG (Room 1) Branch meetings starting at 1900, refreshments and networking start at 1845.   Language is vital when […]

London Branch

Welcome to the SaRS London Branch home page The next London branch meeting is as follows: Title: Safety in Space : A New Frontier? (joint meeting with Hazards Forum) Date: Tuesday 19th March 2019 Venue: The event will be held at the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA BOOK HERE FOR THIS EVENT […]

North of Scotland Branch

Welcome to the SaRS North of Scotland Branch home page Forthcoming Events The next North of Scotland Branch meeting is: Date Speaker Topic Venue TBC As with most SaRS branches, the branch covers a wide range of industries and organisations however the dominant industries in Aberdeen are Oil and Gas and these feature heavily in […]

Solent Branch

Welcome to the SaRS Solent Branch home page Forthcoming Events The 2017/2018 Solent Branch event calendar begins in September. Next Talk: 15th January 2019 at 1800 for 1830 stary (2000 approx finish) Speaker: Ian Travers Venue: BMT Defence & Security, 1600 Parkway, Whiteley PO15 7AH Layers of Protection Analysis Layers of Protection Analysis studies, LOPAs, are commonly […]

Midlands Branch

Welcome to the SaRS Midlands Branch home page Next meeting: Date Speaker Topic Venue Tuesday 12th March 2019 at 6-30pm (refeshments from 6pm) Harry Hopkins, HH RISK Ltd Pipeline Risk and ALARP through Time View Poster Swithland Room, DNV-GL, Holywell Park, Ashby Road, Loughborough LE11 3GR All Branch meetings start at 18.30 (refreshments will be […]

Dubai Branch

Welcome to the SaRS Dubai Branch home page Forthcoming Events This is a new Branch so the launch event will be listed here in due course. Who to contact for more information For more information about Branch activities contact: Elinor Davies You can also join the LinkedIn Group, Safety and Reliability Society’s Dubai Branch. Branch News […]