Co-sponsored Events
As a supporter of the events listed on this page, Safety and Reliability Society members can register at member/discounted rates. Please see the individual events for the member/discounted rates available for SaRS Members/Co-Sponsors/Supporters
If your organisation is interested in a co-sponsorship agreement for your event, please email us
IET – Nuclear engineering for safety, control and security
13th – 14th march 2019, Bristol Marriot Hotel
Challenges for nuclear innovation: Robotics and AI
• This workshop demonstrates how innovation is improving productivity and reducing risk to the workforce, with case study examples and a look to the future. Speakers from RAIN, RACE and Rolls Royce will tell you more….
Hinkley Point C Progress and I&C Design
• Stuart Crooks and Paul Tooley from EDF will give an insider’s view of the I&C architecture and design as well as the approach to justification of computer-based systems, and assessment techniques to be deployed.
Worried about Brexit?
• Neil Blundell, Principal Inspector, ONR will put your minds to rest by explaining the changes to the UK safeguards regime, and the role ONR has within it.
Glovebox Containment Ageing Management
• Anyone struggling with understanding regulatory expectations and creating ageing management plans will benefit from AWE and Sellafield’s collaborative case study.
IMECHE Steam Turbine and Generator User Group 2019
13-14 March 2019, Manchester United Football Ground, Manchester, UK
Organised by engineers representing the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the annual Steam Turbine and Generator User Group in March offers attendees two days of high level technical content and knowledge sharing to support all engineers involved with steam turbine and generator assets.