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Hollinwood Business Centre
Albert Street
Oldham, Greater Manchester


0161 393 8411

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The Safety and Reliability Society Privacy Policy Statement

The Safety and Reliability Society is a registered charity (no 801207) and Limited company by guarantee registered in England and Wales (No 2348358). The purpose of the Safety and Reliability Society is a membership body and a not-for profit organisation. It is supported by a trading subsidiary, SaRS Ltd a limited company registered in England and Wales (No 01586893)

The aims and objectives are ‘To advance education and promote the scientific study of safety and reliability and associated disciplines, maintainability, availability, risk assessment and life cycle costing, in relation to the design of plant, systems and equipment for the benefit of the public and thereby to promote industry and commerce, and to publish the results of such studies worldwide.

The Safety and Reliability Society is committed to protecting its members, Affiliate organisations and other stakeholders. This Privacy Policy sets out the details of any personal information the Safety and Reliability Society collects about you and how we use that information.

This Statement of Privacy applies to the Safety and Reliability Society website and governs data collection and usage. Any information collected by the Safety and Reliability Society may be shared safety and securely by SaRS Ltd.   Your details will only be shared with other reputable organisations (third-parties) for the purpose of delivering membership benefits such as the Safety and Reliability Journal. Where details are shared internally by officers of the Society such as for the purposes of membership application assessment, officers of the Society are subject to non-disclosure agreements (NDA) and/or compliance agreements and a procedure of how to deal with these details.

Collection of Personal Data

The legal basis (EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018) for collection of your membership personal data is consent. You chose to complete our application form for membership and asked us to assess it at the appropriate grade and for admittance to the Safety and Reliability Society and requested membership services as outlined on our website. You paid a membership fee and we use your personal data to supply membership services (as detailed below) at your request and consent. You may change your consent preferences at any time (as detailed below) and we are committed to keeping all data secure. If you are not a member and offer your personal data (for example, non-members attending branch meetings who ask to be placed on our future meetings list) we will always ask for your consent to use it and you will be offered the same opportunities to change your preferences (as detailed below).

Contacting You

The Society asks you to supply your personal data so that it can process your application, deliver membership benefits and other services requested by you. Information collected from members will only be used for the purposes of contacting for and supplying of membership services including membership information, a newsletter, a journal, events and webinars, branch meetings and other services connected with membership from time to time.

The information we need to fulfil contact requests is: names, address, telephone number, email address.

Assessing Membership Applications

If you are applying for membership or upgrading membership we will ask you for further information such as: qualifications, employment history, affiliations, names of proposers and seconders. This information is shared with our membership and grading committee whose members are subject to NDA’s.

If you are applying for registration with the Engineering Council, we will collect these details and share them with the Society of Environmental Engineers and the Engineering Council in order to complete this process.

Committees and Branches

If you take part in activities within the Society (e.g. committee membership, branch meetings, webinar) this will be recorded and the information will be used to both assist with your work and to understand any special privacy procedures necessary (e.g. NDA, data procedures)

Receiving Publications

The membership benefits you requested include a newsletter and a peer reviewed Journal. We post out your newsletter using the contact details above from our own office. We share your basic contact details securely with our journal publishers, Taylor and Francis, for the purposes of posting out your journal. We offer both these publications online and the opportunity to choose to not have a hard copy of publications.

Processing your data

The Safety and Reliability Society does not collect personal information by any ways that are not obvious to you and does not combine your data with external data. We do not use this information to profile you for sales targeting or any other purposes outside what you have agreed to by applying for membership and requesting membership services

As part of your membership you may register with a members area. The information we ask for in order to register you is your name and email address.

Changes to data, data requests and complaints

We store your information in a secure database that is not kept online. Therefore, while you cannot change your information online within the members area you can let us know if you want information changed, deleted or you wish to access you information by the following methods:

Phone    0161 393 8411

Post       Safety and Reliability Society, Hollinwood Business Centre, Oldham, OL8 3QL


Web Form – in the Contact SaRS area of the website

And we promise that

  • We will store the information you provide securely
  • We will use this information to send you membership benefits or to contact you about events, branch meetings and other information relating you your membership
  • We will only use your information for the purpose of your membership and will not share your information with anyone else without your consent
  • You may change or delete your information at any time by contacting the Society by email, post, telephone or web portal. We will make any changes as soon as possible, but within 30 days
  • You may request to see the data we hold for you at any time by email, post or web portal. We will answer such requests and provide this data by email or hard copy, as soon as possible, but within 30 days
  • We are careful with your data, but if data is breached, we will inform you immediately
  • We will not never use your details for automated decision-making or sales profiling
  • We will only hold your data as long as you are a member and delete it securely as soon as possible, but within 30 days of ceasing membership

Use of Personal Data

The Safety and Reliability Society protects the privacy of your information using a secure network and passwords. The information that you provide will be kept confidential and used to support your membership of the Society as requested.

Your details will be made available, as appropriate, to those officers and committee members who are responsible for the services that you request. Services such as branch activities and advice on achieving qualifications are mostly delivered by volunteer members. Publications and membership subscriptions are examples of services mostly delivered by the staff in the Safety and Reliability Society offices.

If you are a member of the Safety and Reliability Society your information will be processed by the Safety and Reliability Society for its sole use and that of its branches, for the purpose of promoting, delivering and improving your experience of the Safety and Reliability Society and its products and services or such other purposes as are described in this Privacy Statement.

Third Parties

Your details will only be shared with other reputable organisations (third-parties) for the purpose of delivering membership benefits such as the Safety and Reliability Journal.

Otherwise, except for the purposes of law enforcement, regulation or legal proceedings, or with your explicit permission, the Safety and Reliability will not give or sell its members’ and other contacts’ personal information to third parties.

Email Mailing List & Marketing Messages

We operate an email mailing list program, used to inform members about services, news and events. Subscribers can unsubscribe at any time in the footer of sent messages. The type and content of messages subscribers receive are those connected with membership services only, as requested when applying for membership.

Email messages may contain tracking beacons / tracked clickable links or similar server technologies in order to track subscriber activity within email marketing messages. Where used, such marketing messages may record a range of subscriber data relating to engagement, geographic, demographics and already stored subscriber data.

Our third party service providers are; Mailchimp (Email), Eventbrite (Branch Events and Webinars), Survey Monkey (Feedback) and ClickConnect (Webinars) and you can read their privacy policies on their websites.


The information that you provide may be held and used by the Safety and Reliability Society for production of internal reports, for allocating you to the correct regional branch and for sending information to you about its activities, services and publications. You may change your preferences at any time by contacting us. Please see the section Changes to data and data requests and complaints if you would like to change your preferences.


When you pay online for membership or events or make a donation, or for other services, you are using a partner company, RBS WorldPay. The Safety and Reliability Society makes it clear on the payment pages that you are being transferred to the one of these sites. The Safety and Reliability Society does not store your payment details online and no payment details are entered directly through its website.

Tracking your behaviour on the website

Subject to the preferences that you have indicated, the Safety and Reliability Society sends emails to its existing members, contacts and registered Web users. Links included in these may be personalised to allow us to determine which members and contacts followed such links

All Web servers record each page request, together with the time and date, and the Internet (IP) address of the user who requested the page.

This website uses cookies to enhance the user’s experience while visiting the website. As required by legislation, where applicable this website uses a cookie control system, allowing the user to give explicit permission or to deny the use of /saving of cookies on their computer / device.

What are cookies? 

Cookies are small files saved to the user’s computer’s hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server to provide the users with a tailored experience within this website.
Users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website on to their computers hard drive they should take necessary steps within their web browsers security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors or use the cookie control system if available upon their first visit.

In addition, the Safety and Reliability Society uses Google Analytics, which records the pages requested from particular IP addresses using a small piece of code in the Web page.  This allows the Safety and Reliability to see general trends, such as which areas of the site are popular, the most frequent paths that users follow, and so on. This helps to improve the site for you in future


The Society links to other website that may offer external services. If you choose to receive information from other companies/organisations and later decide that you no longer want to receive further information, you should contact the relevant company/organisation directly. You should be aware that, if you give any personal information to another company, the uses to which that information may be put will be determined by that company’s privacy policy. The Safety and Reliability’s privacy policy will no longer apply.

The Safety and Reliability Society encourages you to review the privacy statements of websites you choose to link to from the Safety and Reliability Society so that you can understand how those websites collect, use and share your information. The Safety and Reliability Society is not responsible for the privacy statements or other content on websites outside of the Safety and Reliability Society controlled website.

Social Media Policy & Usage

We adopt a Social Media Policy to ensure our business and our staff conduct themselves accordingly online. While we may have official profiles on social media platforms users are advised to verify authenticity of such profiles before engaging with, or sharing information with such profiles. We will never ask for user passwords or personal details on social media platforms. Users are advised to conduct themselves appropriately when engaging with us on social media.

There may be instances where our website features social sharing buttons, which help share web content directly from web pages to the respective social media platforms. You use social sharing buttons at your own discretion and accept that doing so may publish content to your social media profile feed or page. You can find further information about some social media privacy and usage policies in the Social media Policy on request from the office.

Your responsibilities

You must not share the password for your Safety and Reliability account. Your passwords are your responsibility, and must not be disclosed to any third party. This is important for your own protection and that of your personal data.

If you access the Safety and Reliability website from a PC that can be used by any other person, such as those at work or at college or in an Internet café, there are some basic guidelines to follow.

  • Be aware of others close by who may try to take note of your username and password.
  • Never leave the PC unattended when you are logged on to your Safety and Reliability Society account.
  • At the end of your Internet session, use the Logout link that appears on every page; you should also delete cookies and files, and always close the Web browser correctly using the exit button or File – Close/Exit.

The Safety and Reliability Society recommends that you do not use the ‘Remember Me’ logon option wherever PCs are shared and/or in a public place. If you suspect that your password or account information has been compromised, please inform us promptly and change your password.

Updates to this policy

The privacy of members and visitors is important to the Safety and Reliability Society. This policy will be kept under continual review, and changes may be made from time to time.

Contacting us about this policy

We welcome questions or comments about this statement and how we collect and use your data. Please direct any comments to the Chief Executive at