Standards for Safety and Reliability
The society has representatives on a number of standards committees ensuring that the views of the society are included in the standards making process. These committees include:
BSI DS/1 Dependability
The British Standards Institute committee DS/1 is responsible for the development and review of British Standards in the fields of dependability, physical asset management and closely associated topics to meet identified needs. DS/1 is responsible for the UK input into IEC/TC 56 and CEN/TC 319.
Recently issued standard:
- BS EN IEC 60300-3-4:2022 Ed3 Dependability management – Part 3-4: Application guide – Specification of dependability requirements.
- BS EN IEC 61124:2023 Reliability testing – Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure intensity.
- BS EN IEC 62506:2023 Methods for product accelerated testing.
- BS EN IEC 60300-1:2024 Dependability Management – Part 1 Managing dependability.
- BS EN IEC 62309:2024 Dependability of new products containing reused parts and life-extended products.
See website IEC – TC 56 Dashboard> Scope
Representative Jo Hursell
BSI AMS/1 Asset Management (AM)
The British Standards Institute committee AMS/1 is responsible for the UK input into ISO/TC 251 which has published the ISO 55000 series standards. Summary from ISO/TC 251 “the 2024 version incorporates clearer and more specific requirements on decision-making, realizing value from assets, asset management planning, how to address risk and opportunities, managing data & knowledge, and life cycle operations”.
- ISO 55000:2024 AM – Vocabulary, overview and principles
- ISO 55001:2024 AM – Asset management systems – Requirements
- ISO 55002:2018 AM – Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001
- ISO/TS 55010:2024 AM – Guidance on the alignment of financial and non-financial functions in asset management
- ISO 55011:2024 AM – Guidance for the development of public policy to enable asset management
- ISO 55012:2024 AM – Guidelines on people involvement and competence
- ISO 55013:2024 AM – Guidance on the management of data assets
See website
Following publication of ISO 55000 series, BSI PAS 55 Specification for the Optimized Management of Physical Assets was withdrawn.
Representative Richard Denning
BSI FSH/24 Fire Safety Engineering
The British Standards Institute committee FSH/24 is responsible for the development of standards for fire safety engineering in buildings.
Recently issued standard: PD 7974-7:2019+A1:2021 Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings. Probabilistic risk assessment.
BSI GEL/65/1 Systems Aspects
The British Standards Institute committee GEL/65/1 is responsible for the UK input into IEC/SC 65A whose scope is to prepare standards regarding the generic aspects of systems used in industrial-process measurement, control and manufacturing automation: operational conditions (including EMC), methodology for the assessment of systems, functional safety, human factors etc. GEL/65/1 also has a safety pilot function to prepare standards dealing with functional safety of electrical/ electronic/ programmable electronic systems.
Representative Simon Burwood
BSI HS/1 Occupational Health and Safety Management
The British Standards Institute committee HS/1 is responsible for the UK input into ISO/PC 283 and standardisation in the field of Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management. ISO/PC 283 has published OH&S management standards: ISO 45001 and ISO/PAS 45005. Current standards activity.
Looking for a SARS representative.
BSI PVE/3/6 Hydrogen Technologies
The British Standards Institute committee PVE/3/6 under the direction of PVE/3 is responsible for the UK input into ISO/TC 197 and CEN-CLC/JTC 6 (including WG 3 “hydrogen safety”) for standards related to systems and devices for the production, storage, transport, measurement and use of hydrogen.
ISO/TC 197 standards include ISO/AWI TR 15916 (Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems), ISO/AWI 22734-1 (Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis – Industrial, commercial, and residential applications – Part 1: General requirements, test protocols and safety requirements), PD ISO/TS 19883:2017 (Safety of pressure swing adsorption systems for hydrogen separation and purification), BS ISO 26142:2010 (Hydrogen detection apparatus. Stationary applications), BS ISO 16110-1:2007 (Hydrogen generators using fuel processing technologies – Part 1: Safety).
Representative Gianluca Carigi
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